Christmas fun………

Four days until Christmas.  I still have a couple of gifts to buy and some grocery shopping to do.   I’ll also do some last minute clean up work around the house because I never think that it looks quite good enough for company.  (I live with two males. They don’t get it.)  But, despite all…

Recipe: Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Cracker Jacks. The prize in the ceral box. Homemade ice cream. The ocean floor. “Good things found at the bottom!” (I feel like I’m playing $25,000 Pyramid hosted by Donny Osmond). Now I know it is WAY TOO EARLY to be up typing blog posts. But, I wanted to share my Mom’s (Mimi) recipe for…

Recipe: Applesauce Cake

My dear gardening sister and dear friend Sheila (aka Gypsy Biscuit) both make homemade applesauce. Homemade! And, all I can say to that is – I don’t make homemade applesauce. (hanging head). If you’ve never had the pleasure of trying homemade applesauce – well, so sorry for you. The fresh apple taste can’t be beat….